
Ein Bild der Panzerhalle im Heeresgeschichtlichen Museum. Im Vordergrund sind die Kanonenrohre mehrerer Panzer zu sehen, die diagonal ins Bild ragen. In der Mitte des Bildes steht ein großer, gut beleuchteter Panzer, teilweise von Sicherheitsgeländern umgeben. Die Halle ist mit Tarnnetzen an den Wänden dekoriert, durch die Licht von kleinen Fenstern hereinfällt. Auf der rechten Seite befindet sich eine Informationstafel mit historischen Details. Die Szenerie ist von einem warmen Licht durchflutet, das die militärischen Ausstellungsstücke hervorhebt.

Tank Hall

Tank Hall

The historic building of Object 13 in the Vienna Arsenal was built in 1936 as a garage for military vehicles. Since 2017, it has served as a display of the history of armoured troops, containing more than 30 armoured vehicles, allowing visitors to follow the development of armoured combat and fighting vehicles in guided tours. On display are the so-called Burstyn model, examples of ranti-tank defence, tank engines, specialized ammunition for tank guns and training equipment for crews.

From the first tank patent to the Austrian Armed Forces 
The tour begins with an invention by Austro-Hungarian First Lieutenant Gunter Burstyn, who received the first patent for an armoured “motorised gun” in 1911. The development of armoured troops, mechanised infantry, armoured reconnaissance and anti-tank troops up to the end of the Second World War is explained, and how this is connected to the armoured troops of the Austrian Armed Forces of the Second Republic.

Prototypes and cutaway models 
Among the tanks on display is the prototype of the Saurer infantry fighting vehicle - the first armoured vehicle to be manufactured in Austria after the Second World War. Also on display are other historic combat vehicles such as the Kürassier light tank, the M60A3 main battle tank and the Pandur armoured ambulance variant.

Using cutaway models, visitors can examine the interior of selected combat vehicles.

Opening hours, admission prices, guided tours

Opening hours

From 1 March Thursday to Sunday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Closing days:
January 1st, Easter Sunday, May 1st, November 1st, 
1st weekend in December (Christmas market), December 24th from 2 p. m., 
December 25th and 31st 

Admission prices

Admission is included in the museum ticket.

Free admission: 
Admission is free for all visitors on the first Sunday of every month and all persons up to the age of 19

Admission prices HGM

Guided tours

A guided tour of the Tank Collection begins at 12:30 pm on every first Sunday of the month.

Route to the Tank Collection (Object 13)